Are you…

A solo business owner or just starting out –  with goals and dreams, you’re keen not to waste any time on activities that don’t get you where you want to be. You want simplicity in your life and FUN, and plenty of time and money? You need focus and clarity, but also knowledge to get you there. Contact me to book a call about how I may be able to help.

A CEO/MD – of a small company where you know there are things you’d like to be doing better, especially within your sales, marketing, PR, comms and culture. Want to find or retain more clients, talent, investors? Looking for a fresh pair of eyes to help you see what you’re too close to see and offer you strategic input from outside of your business? Don’t have a Chief Sales or Marketing Officer but know the incredible value that having a strategic-level steer would bring to your business?

Let’s talk about how I can support you and your team to enhance the business you’ve already built.

A Female Business Owner – you know how it is to feel overwhelmed, isolated as the leader in your business, and seek to connect with other like-minded women in the UK, and those who’ve founded Non-Profit ventures? My ultra- affordable Mastermind could be right up your street. Contact me to find out more.

If you’d like to have a chat about anything else (no sales calls please) Arrange a call here. 

Strategy that drives your success

How does strategy help?

The simple answer: being clear on your priorities and how you’re going to achieve your goals is critical for your business’ survival as well as for your sanity.

From basic sales and marketing strategy, through to very specific strategic input such as developing PR, Internal Comms, CSR, Customer Success, Digital Marketing strategies and plans… getting clarity will help you increase efficiency and drive positive action to achieve whatever your goals may be.

Working together, we’ll focus on strategic planning that’s aligned with your values and goals for lasting success. Ready to see your business grow or create order, sanity, that enables you to enjoy your life and your business? Let’s meet and discuss how I can help.

How I Can Help You

For all my clients, my work starts with getting to know you as well as your business. 

Why? Because understanding you, your goals, what really matters. Clarity is essential to get you and your business to where you really want to be. Everything flows from there!

Every client works with me slightly differently, but it’s always on a 1:1, and anything I do is tailored to your unique business.

In some cases I offer training, but this is also always bespoke. For example, you may ask me to create a strategy and then, if you have a team, you might ask me to do a little work with your team e.g. design a bespoke LinkedIn sales strategy and then train your team to implement.

Tailored services mean you get the best results! And this matters more to me than anything. YOUR win is my why!

Business Coaching/Sales/Marketing Strategic Input for small businesses
A range of services available, from ‘Supercharge Your Success’ Strategy Days to Business Builder Packages over 12 months, I have a range of services available dependent on the type and level of input required, starting from £979.

Accountability & Mentoring for established business owners
Most people find huge value in regular accountability and mentoring within a 1:1, confidential, safe, supportive space, just for them as they go through their business journey. I offer ongoing mentoring for a very small number of people. This support has helped my clients transform their lives and businesses! Packages start from £2699.

1:1 Start-Up Business Strategy, Planning and Mentoring (t/over less than £30k)
If you’re pre-start-up, or turning over less than £30k, I offer special start-up packages to ensure my services are affordable, with a payment plan available. Get your business off the ground in 12 weeks – from £1788. Contact me to discuss your situation.

Ad-hoc Coaching
Work with me remotely for an hour when you need me. From £250/session (reduced fees available to members of Inspired Women Mastermind!)

My Values

I serve those whose values align, where connection, relationship and collaboration sit at more than a superficial level. Shared values are important to me to ensure I can really add value to my clients. I help those who enjoy quality relationships in life and business. That’s why I’m sharing mine here with you…

My core values:


Kindness I see kindness as the outworking of love. And love is really what I truly believe our world needs most.

John Lennon nailed it when he wrote “all you need is love”. We’re talking deep, platonic love, not romantic love. The kind of love that connects us one human to another as fellow beings who we share the world with.

When we are kind to one another, we build relationships and create space for each other to thrive. And we can be kind in the way we give, invest and treat those we interact with at all levels. Kindness always wins.


Respect -Treating others the way they would wish to be treated and honouring one another in the way we behave is important. I build relationships with people who are respectful of me, themselves, and others, and offer that same respect in return. I treat my clients with the upmost respect and promise confidentiality to all clients as standard.

Not judging, but instead always seeking to understand is part of respect – which also ties in with kindness.


Authenticity– Working well together to achieve your goals requires us to build relationships, which needs us to be honest about who we are and what matters to us – with ourselves and each other.If we hold back, we prevent a relationship from developing in which we can work closely, and the relationship is then hampered. And what’s the point of that?

Love yourself. Love life. Be yourself! And enjoy more fruitful relationships. But you’ll also get further in what you want to do to make the world a better place, when you can be yourself.


Integrity: For me, kindness, respectfulness and authenticity are all a part of integrity, really. Integrity is about honesty and good morals. For me that means: being a person of your word, being reliable in keeping your promises, and being trustworthy with secrets that aren’t yours to share. That’s why you can count on me to do a good job for you as we work together.

Integrity means not using power to manipulate or exploit others and instead caring for them. It means owning your mistakes and not blaming or shaming others. It means being true to yourself and standing up for your decisions. It encapsulates trusthworthiness, reliability and honesty which are very important to me. These attributes are critical in relationships and is a non-negotiable for me and those who I help.

I'm a heart-led leader, are you?

Heart-led leadership is a servant-hearted leadership style where the focus is not how much money we make, but how great our impact is, and how many people we can help. Money follows in business when we serve well and know what we’re doing in business!

Often referred to as “gardeners”, heart-led leaders tend to nurture others well.

We aren’t necessarily all soft and fluffy. We’re kind. But we’re also ambitious, purposeful and focused! We are keen to improve ourselves so we can help others better and show up to the best of our abilities in life.

As heart-led leaders, we are driven by purpose, sometimes multiple purposes, and this causes us to look beyond our own success, to play an infinite game (read more about The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek here). We aim to leave a legacy that is more than our  bank balance. We love to provide opportunities for others to thrive, to impact the world around us, and look after those dearest to us, too.

This is me.

And if it sounds like you too, we’ll probably get along!

Want to get in touch?